Saturday, August 1, 2009

The Begining

This is when it starts.

Now that the first post has been sent, who knows what will happen now. 5 years from now the blog could be very successful and i'll be looking back when it was a newbie blog containing just one post, laughing at the irony that i wrote this exact sentence.

Or in 5 years i might have moved on, done something different: maybe i decided to become an office worker, or i could be running my own successful business; or maybe i ended up as the star of a #1 music video, or a drunken douche on some reality TV show.

Or (as if the list needs to be any longer), maybe the blog just never caught on. Maybe the blog was lame, or maybe no one happened to stumble upon it. It's all luck. Its all life.

That's the purpose of this blog. To ponder life. Not that we will ever understand the full picture, i don't think we're suppose to. But do i believe, if you try, you can understand your life.

Well that's it for the first post. Only life can bring people to read this (as it obviously has been brought to you), but i must play my part and continue blogging; and hopefully by the end i will understand life better and so will you.

p.s. it took my over an hour to write this, not because i was so carefully and slowly writing, but because there were so many distractions that i had to do deal with. That's life